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Gerard Michael

    President, Co-Founder

    Blog Post by Gerard Michael

    Gerard Michael

    From Smartleaf's Knowledge Center: Direct Indexing

    We share an extract from our Knowledge Center. Is managing direct indexes a lot harder ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Hot Takes! All The Ways You’re Doing Portfolio Management Wrong.

    Smartleaf's 2024 T3 conference presentation, together with a review by Bob Veres of ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Zoe Financial selects Smartleaf for Personalized, Tax-Optimized Rebalancing

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    Gerard Michael

    Centralized vs Advisor-Led Portfolio Management

    It's about culture and business model, not which is better for customization.
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    Gerard Michael

    Can AIs Replace Financial Advisors?

    We test how good current large language models are at providing financial advice.
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    Gerard Michael

    2023 Taxes Saved or Deferred Report

    In 2023, the clients of Smartleaf users saved or deferred an average 1.94% in taxes.
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    Gerard Michael

    Why Smartleaf Isn't Right for Everyone

    We enable wealth management advisors to do a lot more for their clients. But we're not ...
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    Gerard Michael

    On Tax Day Will You Be a Hero or a Goat?

    Are you and your clients be celebrating tax day?
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    Gerard Michael

    Direct Indexes Are Great. Direct Index SMAs Are Bad.

    Direct indexes outperform comparable ETFs on an aftertax expected basis. But direct index ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Smartleaf's Top Blog Posts of 2023

    Our top blog posts of 2023: a study on the tax efficiency of direct indexes vs comparable ...
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