Do you save your clients more in taxes than you charge in fees?
Our 2021 Taxes Saved numbers are in!
Smartleaf's account-level Estimated Taxes Saved Report enables advisors to document the value the advisor is adding for each client via automated tax management. Last year, Smartleaf users saved their clients an average of 3.20% of the value of assets that were actively tax-managed.1 This is more than most advisors charge in fees.
In 2020, Smartleaf users saved their clients an average of 2.44% of portfolio value. The increase in taxes saved in 2021 was due to our clients' risk-balanced gains deferral during the bull market.2
The total taxes saved in 2021 was $323,613,867. Here are some things you could buy with the savings:
8,746,320 Air Fryers
1,659 Private Bowling Alleys
3/5ths of Jeff Bezos's Super Yacht
14 1-year Tom Brady contracts (2021)
To learn more about our estimated taxes saved report don’t hesitate to reach out. View a sample copy here.
1 Actively tax-managed assets = US listed mutual funds, ETFs, ADRs and equities.
2 In turn, taxes saved in 2020 saw an increase over 2019 due to active tax loss harvesting during the March 2020 downturn. See Crisis Case Study: The Power of Rebalancing Automation).