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Webinar Recording, ETFs & Direct Indexing: What Advisors Need to Know

ETFs & Direct Indexing: What Advisors Need to Know

IDX and Alpha Vee Webinar

Ben McMillan of IDX Insights & Leigh Eichel of Alpha Vee recently joined me for a webinar on direct indexing, ETFs & Direct Indexing: What Advisors Need to Know.

We talked all things direct indexing, including:

  • What is a direct index?
  • What are the advantages of direct indexes relative to ETFs and mutual funds?
  • Why are they becoming popular now?
  • Will direct indexes replace ETFs entirely?
  • How do I talk to clients about direct indexes?
  • Do direct indexes create extra operational or compliance burdens?
  • How do the tax savings of direct indexes compare to ETFs?
You can watch the webinar by clicking on the link above.
President, Co-Founder