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    Gerard Michael

    A Q&A On Portfolio Rebalancing With Craig Izkowitz

    A Q&A with Craig Izkowitz of the Ezra Group and Smartleaf President, Jerry Michael, ...
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    Gerard Michael

    How to Manage Complex Portfolios at Scale

    Reimagining and reengineering how portfolios are rebalanced. This is a revised version of ...
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    Gerard Michael

    What We Mean When We Say Automated Rebalancing

    A look at what rebalancing automation really means.
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    Gerard Michael

    We’re Not a Rebalancing System

    How Smartleaf differs from ordinary rebalancing systems.
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    Gerard Michael

    From Our Mailbox: The 'Black Box' Problem?

    We answer a question from a reader about rebalancing automation and transparency.
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    Gerard Michael

    Crisis Case Study: The Power of Rebalancing Automation

    What you can accomplish for your clients in a crisis when you have rebalancing ...
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    Gerard Michael

    'Rebalancing Systems' Do Much More Than Rebalance

    Modern-day “rebalancing systems” are complex decisioning systems that automate ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Automated Household-Level Rebalancing

    Managing multiple accounts to a single target in a tax-optimized manner
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    Gerard Michael

    An Insider's Guide to Optimizers

    How optimizers work
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    Gerard Michael

    The Limits of Automation: Why Not Infinity?

    What prevents automated rebalancing from being infinitely scalable?
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