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    Gerard Michael

    From Smartleaf's Knowledge Center: Direct Indexing

    We share an extract from our Knowledge Center. Is managing direct indexes a lot harder ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Direct Indexes Are Great. Direct Index SMAs Are Bad.

    Direct indexes outperform comparable ETFs on an aftertax expected basis. But direct index ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Direct Indexes Are 3 to 5 Times More Tax Efficient Than ETFs

    We compare the loss harvesting efficiency of a direct index to an equivalent ETF.
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    Gerard Michael

    Can Cash Management Be Automated?

    Why cash management is a problem. Why direct indexing makes it worse. And how automation ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Direct Indexing FAQ

    A Q&A on direct indexing
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    Gerard Michael

    The Direct Index Domino Effect

    Replacing ETFs and mutual funds is only the beginning of how direct indexes will change ...
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    Gerard Michael

    The Direct Index Arms Race. And You.

    What BlackRock’s purchase of Aperio and Morgan Stanley’s purchase of Eaton ...
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    Gerard Michael

    Mutual Funds and ETFs Are Dead

    $0 stock commissions are another nail in the coffin of mutual funds and ETFs
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    Gerard Michael

    Why Not Direct Indexes?

    A look at common objections to direct indexing
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    Gerard Michael

    Jack Bogle, Smartleaf, and the Low Cost Revolution

    Smartleaf's foundation was built on Jack Bogle's low cost and low tax revolution.
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